So So Cal

Monday, July 27, 2015

In The Land of The Mouse

When we woke up on Sunday morning the sun was just coming up over the pier Deerfield Beach.

It looked like a good day to drive with top down, and so it was for a while!

Then the weather started to worsen, we found a place to pull off the freeway and put the top up.

As we headed north the speed on the freeway picked up, the speed limit was 70 MPH but it seemed that everyone was doing at least 80.

We were going to meet up with Anne's sister Eileen and her family, they had rented a house for their vacation in the Orlando area.

This was the view from their patio, note the huge bug cover.

The area around the house has a lot a of wild life.

The light colored patch in the middle is a coyote.

A group of birds on the street, I think that they are Sand Hill Cranes.

Then I saw this guy outside, not sure what he was.

So as you can see not all of the wild life is in Animal Kingdom.


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