So So Cal

Monday, January 12, 2015

Las Vegas

Las Vegas in the rain...

The auction started at 4:00 PM on Thursday with some "Road Art", AKA tat.
Some of which should have been on consignment, that is consigned to the dumpster.
At one point the auctioneer asked for a bid of $10, then he said would anyone take it if he gave them $10, gives you a clue...
There was some decent stuff too especially on the next sessions.

But then the bikes started going across the block and it seems that Thursday evening is the time to get the best bargains. We missed out on lot number one, we were just hesitant even though it was a bike in which we were interested. It sold for $4,500.00 we had it pegged at about $6K. Oh well, you snooze you lose.

Later in the afternoon we ran into Mr. Wayne Carini a real gentleman.

No, I did not take this picture, but I have to tell you that the smile is ever present.
Thank you for a wonderful show and for being such a nice guy.

I know, most of us look the same, gray hair, gray mustache, maybe a chin beard, skinny jeans and a tee shirt.
And what's wrong with that 
I'd like to know?
Hmm that sounds like a line from a Beatles song, or on the other hand it may have been
 Paul McCartney in 1976.

Moving on 

This one brought a smile to my face.

How about this made in Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1925

A thing of beauty, but a hair on the expensive side at $30,000.00

This was the highest bid to go across the block.

$230,000 bid and not even close to the asking price.

From a consignment website, it seems that they are looking more toward high $400s.

Oh well, there is always next year and maybe by then we will have won the LOTTO.

Ciao Bella

Keep your knees in the breeze.

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