So So Cal

Monday, March 10, 2014

First Night In Durham

No time to catch your breath in this trip.
We checked in, spread our stuff around the room making it look like a bomb site.
We had dinner in the hotel accompanied by the most mournful dirge like music you have ever heard. I thought that there must be a funeral directors convention in the hotel.

After dinner I was waiting in the bar (where else would I wait) to meet up with Eileen (Anne's sister) and her family. As I looked out of the lobby through the giant revolving glass door, I saw a cab arrive and from it emerged the longest legs you have ever seen, followed by some more and some more, then cab after cab arrived all with the same cargo!

I thought this was a cruel trick and I must have died and gone to heaven, Budweiser and tall leggy girls!!!!!

Where was I, Oh yes, waiting for Eileen and family.

When we talked to some of the guys who were attending this function we found that it was cricket club event.

Of course I had to get in on the action!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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