So So Cal

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Durham, a city both ancient and academic.

Durham ancient and academic.

When we were in the city of Durham, we walked almost everywhere. This gives you the opportunity to see things that you would normally miss if traveling by car.

I decided early in the trip to choose a course of study, which if I were a student it the city I would like to follow.

On the first night my choice seemed obvious:

It would be long legged good looking chicks.

But then I thought Naw! too much like hard work.

So I looked more toward academia for my major.

How about this, Medieval and Renaissance Studies, now there's a period into which I could really get my teeth .

However upon reflection I thought that perhaps literature would be more my strong point. 
So I asked a few literary looking types where I might find an institute of higher learning in that field.
I was recommended a place in Saddler Street.

Yes, Shakespeare, now there is  a topic worthy of study.
So having found this fountain of knowledge I ventured inside with some trepidation. 
Who knows, perhaps there would be some literary genius waiting to floor you with his knowledge.
But, no it was just the usual Saturday afternoon crowd.
I thought carefully about the period that I should study and came up with a particular year.
There was available in this establishment a somewhat precise vessel designed to fit exactly such needs.

So here it is, I am part way through my studies of the year 1664, two years before the Great Fire of London and 48 years after Shakespeare's death when I thought Hmmm!
 This is wrong, what is it that you should seek in the city which is home to the third oldest university in the UK?
Only knowledge?
No!, wisdom.
So after more careful thinking, another course of study sprang to mind, what is it that makes you wiser?

And for years the answer has been staring me in the face!

So here I am, older Budweiser.

A great place Durham.

They even have a clock for people who cannot tell the time.

More soon,

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