So So Cal

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Just Kickin' Back

Being Retired Takes Planning

It really does take planning, not only financial planning but life planning.

       Jim Cairns ( who has been retired very successfully for a long time) told me that when you retire you need a routine just like when you worked. His message is so true.
If you just retire with no plan and nothing to do, you have a recipe for disaster.

My exercise is walking, I walk to the bank, I walk to the hardware store, I walk to the bar (that's my favorite walk) if possible, I walk for a reason.
If there is no reason, I just walk, you need to keep active, sitting in the chair is not an option.
Enough of Pontificating!

Anne and I took a trip out to Arizona to meet up with Barb & Leon.
What a wonderful time we had together.

Just when you think that you are safe, here comes this Bison crashing through the wall!

Remember people, there are no Buffalo as indigenous species in the USA!
All of those big four legged hairy things are Bison!!!
Oh! and by the way there are no Antelope either!!!

From my nephew Steven;
What's the difference between a Buffalo and a Bison?

You can't wash your hands in a Buffalo.

The old one are the best Steven.

So, moving on from the cowboy bar we headed for the Ball Park.

Barb and Leon had bought these wonderful seats ahead of our visit.

The view from our seats.

What fun it is to be out at the Ball Park on a weekday afternoon.
This is what being retired is all about.

Ball Park Dogs Are Best.

How sweet it is.

We had a great time, thank you Barb and Leon.
Except next time try to arrange a win for the Angels.
15-8 down is not good!
Come on Mike...

Moving on, here we are back home at the beach.

Yesterday was Monday but today was Saturday, so life is good.
I went to the plant yesterday making it Monday, and any day that I don't work is Saturday.
Get the picture?

A view of any Saturday in H.B.

Today, Saturday on a Thursday, we decided on a whim to take Missy to the beach.
So here we are.

The guys at the plant ask "Hey Norm what's it like being retired"

Well this is what it is like.

You are at the beach in front of good old number 27!

Remember what I said about walking?

Well this is the Rainbow's End

Here I am at The Hangout with my reward.

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