So So Cal

Friday, August 1, 2014

The Shed Mk 2

The Great Shed Raising of 2014.

There are several steps involved in raising a new shed.

Step 1
Prepare the ground, now this is hard work so ensure that someone else takes care of this bit.

Step 2
Pour a concrete pad, this is also hard work to again ensure that someone else takes care of this bit.
Step 3
Buy a shed and bring it home. You will not find anyone willing to take care of this bit. So you are on your own here.

Step 4
Unload the shed from the truck and take it into the yard. At this point you need to use the cheapest form of labor available, you are already out a ton of money on the other steps so economize where you can.

Step 5
Have this cheap labor help you move the parts to the correct location.

Step 6
Reward cheap labor with a drink that you picked up at the market and did not care to drink yourself.

Step 7
Install some of the easy bits yourself so that it does not look like you are shirking your job.

Step 8 
Invite some friends round for pizza and beer, then say "Oh by the way could you help with the shed"
Try to avoid any physical input yourself use the old "I'll check the level, or does anyone need a beer" routines. At this point of course no one notices that you grabbed a beer for yourself.

Step 9
Include someone who does not drink to read the instructions.

Step 10 
The outcome will be ideal, a new shed and happy friends.See below.

Step 11
How to keep your friends happy and willing to help with the next project.

Step 12
You must provide the appropriate PPE for your guest crew, a suggested collection of these items is shown here.

So there you are a 12 step program that everyone can follow.

As an aside, I was out in the back forty this week and look what I found.

 Do I see another shed on the horizon...

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