So So Cal

Friday, October 25, 2013

Damn Dam!

I seem to have been a bit tied up recently and not had time to update the BLOG.
As I near the dreaded 65 I have been very busy applying for stuff.
First there was my Old Age Pension from the UK, then there was my heating allowance, quickly followed by my bus pass. So once all that was taken care of, I had to apply for Medi-Care part A, even though I don't need it or will use it until I retire, if you don't file the SSA ding you with a penalty.
Ain't our government wonderful!

Back to the plot.

Our last ride out from Laughlin was to the Hoover Dam and bridge.

The bridge was designed and built following 9/11, it is an absolute wonder of civil engineering as is the Hoover Dam.

It's amazing the pictures you can take from a Harley!


We walked across from:


The view from the bridge has to be seen to be believed, the deck is about 900 feet above the Colorado river below.
For those of you who use those French measurements that's about 275 meters.

What a handsome crew!!!!!!!!

This is a tribute statue of one of the High Scalers who worked on the construction of the Hoover Dam back in the 30s.
The dam site was chosen and work began, but chipping and blasting away loose rock was of prime importance. It was essential to get back to bedrock to allow a good tie of constructed material.
This picture is not from the dam but is worth seeing.
Two Hairy Bikers on Old Route 66.
The picture was taken by a very non-hairy biker;
our good friend Jeff.

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