So So Cal

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Triumphant Return (almost)

A Year In The Making!

Almost exactly one year ago I took my 1967 Triumph Bonneville to Century Motorcycles in San Pedro for restoration.
The initial estimate for time was five months, even that seemed a long time.
After the months passed, I contacted the shop and one thing led to another, eventually I became resigned to getting the bike back when it was ready. I reasoned that since I had it for 20 years and didn't fix it what was a few more months.

Earlier this week I got a call from Tim Rutherford, the guy who owns the shop saying that it was almost there.

So today after work I ran over to San Pedro to check it out.


Looking Good
I should be able to pick up the bike next week. The crew at Century will put a few miles on it during the week and recheck the bolt torques, then it will be mine all mine.
Next up!
The Ariel Square Four
This one just needs a little TLC and some electrical work.
You know the old joke:
How come the UK never put a man on the moon?
Lucas Electrics.

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